
公司动态 | 修复老城核心蓝脉 闪耀深圳治水决心

WADI设计 WADI设计 2022-12-08

修复老城核心蓝脉 闪耀深圳治水决心


WADI wins second prize in Competition of UrbanDesign for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section), Shenzhen

日前,我司和蕾奥规划组成的联合体在深圳市《布吉河(罗湖段)沿线地区城市设计公开竞赛》夺得第二名的佳绩。获得第一名的设计机构为:ARUP(奥雅纳)工程咨询(上海)有限公司。其余得奖的单位还有:广东省城乡规划设计研究院& MLA+b.v. & Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners(联合体)、Sasaki Associates, Inc. & 深圳市城市规划设计研究院有限公司(联合体)、深圳市欧博工程设计顾问有限公司、中国城市规划设计研究院 & SWA Group(联合体)。 

WADI  together with LAY-OUT Planning Consultants Co. has been announced as the winner of the Second –Prize in the competition of Urban Design for the Area along Buji River (Luohu Section), Shenzhen. The First-Prize Winner is Arup International Consultants (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. The other prize winners are: Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design Institute & MLA+b.v. & Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners (Consortium);  Sasaki Associates, Inc. & Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen (Consortium); Shenzhen Aube Architectural Engineering Design Co., Ltd.; China Academy of Urban Planning and Design & SWA Group (Consortium).

本次国际竞赛的目的之一是要对布吉河罗湖段及其沿线地区进行城市再生,使其生态环境得到修复,亲水性和可达性得到提升,重塑其文化价值。设计团队追溯了布吉河的历史轨迹,深入分析了其现状,为其量身定做了构建两栖海绵城、7公里超级“公园带”、 搭建多维共生网等有机回归的振兴计划。针对打造深圳的“清溪川”提出三大生态策略:整体流域策略、全断面修复策略、源头海绵策略,也为深圳水环境的全面修复提供了科学的思路。随着改革深化,产业转型升级,中国城市发展的重心由速度转向质量,越来越多的城市将会把目光聚焦在城市再生和环境修复之上。瓦地智慧为这项深圳目前最大的任务做出了独到的解答。

The goal of the competition was to propose solutions to the regeneration of area along Buji River in Shenzhen, furthermore, to restore the ecological system and environment, improve the water affinity and accessibility, and rebuild thecultural value. Based on looking back on the historical track of Buji River,and thorough analyses of the existing situation, WADI  proposes a tailor-made Organic Rejuvenation Plan: Construct an Amphibious Sponge System, Introduce a 7km Super “Park Belt”, Build a Comprehensive Framework, etc. Three Ecological Strategies: Integrated Watershed Management, Ecological Restoration, Sponge on Source. As the Reform Deepening, industry transformation and upgrading goes, the focus of developing incities of China shifts from speed to quality. More and more Chinese cities start keeping their eyes on regenerative plans. WADI wisdom gives an answer to this big task.







